
Events that Shape Us

Sometimes it takes completing a blog post before I decide on a title. This particular post is different. I wrote the title only and saved it as a draft back in July. The only thing saved was the title because Events that Shape Us stirred something...

A Letter to My Mother

When the funeral director suggested we each write a letter to our mom and place it in the coffin with her I shrugged at the suggestion. She wasn’t going to read it so what was the point? I don’t believe the all-too-common statement that...

The Need for Extreme Voices

In March 2020, when the lockdowns began, I told everyone in my family, “There is no way Americans will put up with this overreach for very long.” I imagined that people across the country would demand, even fight, for their blood-bought freedoms...

A Word for Creatives

RIGHTEOUSNESS IS CREATIVITY UNLEASHED Just a few days ago as I was driving in my car, I heard God say: “My creatives haven’t been welcomed in the church for a long time. The church needs them. It needs their out-of-the-box thinking and...

First, Know Thy Enemy

I answered her call on the first ring, and for anyone who knows me, that in itself was nearly a miracle. We hadn’t spoken in months which is completely normal. We are friends who need not speak often to know that our love for each other is always...

You are Highly Favored

You won’t usually find me writing much about the Christmas season. It’s not my thing. Although I sometimes put up a tree, always bake a slew of Christmas cookies, happily shop and wrap presents, and occasionally smile begrudgingly. I do all of this...

Hope Like No One is Watching

I’ve been feeling incredibly hopeful lately. Even sickeningly so, some might say. But those are just the people who believe since I’m hopeful I’m not paying attention to the world around me. I must be silly or naive. They...

Rend Heaven

I’m stepping out in faith right now. I feel compelled to speak something that I heard God say over and over throughout this last month. I believe that this word is for Austin and it’s surrounding communities. The very first Sunday of March, I had a...

List of URLs for Tests

In Chapter 5 – ACTIONS of the book, Called: A Firebrand, you are asked to take various free online tests to determine your spiritual gifting and personality type. It is important to me, Lauren, that you understand that I don’t believe the...

Download List of Name Meanings

In Chapter 5 – ACTIONS of the book, Called: A Firebrand, you are asked to look up the meaning of your name. Feel free to do your own research if you like. For your convenience, we have a PDF for you that covers a good number of names. Click the...

Lauren Stoenescu

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