
Download the Cleansing Prayer

In Chapter One – ACTIONS of the book Called: A Firebrand, you are asked to take the time to pray a thorough cleansing prayer. You can download the PDF below. Be sure to set some time aside for this prayer. Remember, this will take around...

Called: A Firebrand by Lauren Stoenescu

Called: A Firebrand

Near the end of 2017, the Lord spoke a word over me. He called me a firebrand. I’ve been called many things in my life and yet none have resonated with me as this word has. I received it immediately. With this one word, He altered my course. This...

I Was Thirsty

Thirsty and I didn’t even know it. It began with a realization in church one day and a quiet, barely even whispered prayer. As I was looking around it dawned on me that for many of my fellow church-goers, this was enough. They were emotional during...

Lauren Stoenescu

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